Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sandy, Adopted 11/21/09

On November 12th, at our first meet and greet with Sandy, we dropped her off at the beginning and did a little shopping since this event was in the kennels. We came back just over an hour later and a volunteer said "someone adopted your dog! It took me completely by surprise since there was not a good turnout that day, but what great news! Apparently an application for her had been submitted a few days previous and the woman wanted to come and meet her and see if Sandy was compatible with her dog, Molly. The visit had gone quite well, and while I was disappointed I had missed the applicant, I left happy that another placement was in the works.

As the application process was going on, we arranged to have Sandy spayed the following Friday at the Sterling Shelter. Sandy talked to me the entire ride there, and was so happy when a staff member came out to meet us, she went running right up to her! Poor thing had no idea what was coming! The shelter staff took great care of her, and I picked her up after work that evening. The ride home was quiet and Sandy was so groggy and sleepy when we got home that she just laid in her bed and dozed. She was very slow going up and down the stairs for a few days, but her happy-go-lucky personality returned after about 36 hours. It was good to see her back to her old self again. Then we got the wonderful news that her adoption had been finalized!

To give Sandy time to recover in a familiar environment, we arranged for her new family to come and pick her up on the following Saturday. Sandy continued to heal over the remainder of the week, and even managed to break Gabe down into several long play sessions with her. My boys were really going to miss this little sweetheart!

Saturday arrived and we had to say goodbye to Sandy. It was a short 4 weeks and it really seemed to fly by. Sweet, goofy personalities like her never last long! Either fostering and saying goodbye to my friends was getting easier for me with each dog, or I felt good about this goodbye because I knew that Sandy would be in good hands and fit in well at her new home. Most likely it was a combination of the two. After having the opportunity to speak with her adopter at length about what she likes (everything) and dislikes (nothing) and getting a sense of her new family, I looked forward to this adoption rather than dreading our final moments together. Sandy's new family arrived and she hopped into the car, excited for her new adventure. Her new mom promised to send pictures, and sure enough I received a few of her and her new sister, Molly. They look sort of similar and Sandy looks like she fits right in.

Our new foster dog arrived 2 weeks after Sandy's departure, and we have discovered that she is very similar in her happy personality, often causing me to suddenly miss her very much. Sandy is going to enjoy the holidays with her new family this year, and it is such a happy ending. It's hard to believe that just a few months ago she was abandoned on a porch with her pups, with a slim chance of survival. While we miss Sandy and would have enjoyed having her longer, her adoption freed up a space for Daisy, who we took into foster right after Thanksgiving!

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